Streamline your AI/ML workflows using our Python SDK

Integrate data labeling into your existing ML pipelines and workflows using our simple yet powerful Python SDK.

Python SDK features

Not just any SDK

Think of our SDK as a dataset management platform rather than just a wrapper around the API.

We have built tools into the SDK, that allow you to perform data-processing functions like data augmentation, converting and merging datasets, visualizing annotations etc.

Mindkosh SDK Create task terminal

Manage your tasks and projects

Create tasks and upload data the moment it is ready by integrating our SDK into your data pipelines.

You can also update or delete existing tasks and projects, once they are complete, right from the command line.

Mindkosh SDK Download annotations terminal

Get your labeled datasets, pronto

You can export and then download your labeled datasets using our simple SDK.

Integrate it with your exsiting pipelines to create a seamless Labeling - Training workflow.