Answers to all your questions
Yes! We have a workforce of more than 1000 highly trained labelers through our various partnerships. You can checkout more about our Annotation services here.
Yes! Our free version gives you access to most of the features available in the paid version. But you are limited to 3 users in your organization, and 800 total images in your tasks. You can delete any tasks you are not using to stay within the limit.
Yes! Get in touch with our sales team to know how we can setup the platform on your own premises.
Absolutely. Do note that changes requested by you will only take effect after the current billing cycle.
Yes. Once you cancel your subscription, we will no longer charge you from the next billing cycle. However, charges already paid towards a plan will not be refunded.
Yes, we offer special pricing to qualified educational organizations. Contact our customer support specialists for details:
Our Security page describes how Mindkosh handles your data. In summary, the data you store on Mindkosh is always owned by you, and Mindkosh does not share your data with any third party. Under the hood, Mindkosh uses Amazon AWS platform to securely host your data.
That's okay too! Our paid plans allow you to connect your AWS S3 account to your organization. Your data is then streamed directly to the browser. It never goes through our servers at any point. Please note however, that the final annotations are saved in our databases.